
Piper Cherokee Warrior Pilot’s Operating Handbook


P A #761 623


Issued: June 17,1976



The aircraft suiaJ number eligibility bracket for application of this handbook is l8-TI1500J througb I 28-77l5314. The specific applicltian of this handbooJc il limited to the Piper PA-28·IS1 model airplane designated by serial number and registration number on the face of the title page of this haDdbook.

This handbook cannot be usod for operational purposes WIlen kepi in a current status.

The inlonnadon compiled in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook will be kept current by revbions
distributed to the alrptmc OWDen.

Revision material will conlist of iDfonn.tioa necessary to update the text of the present handbook
artdIor to add information to cover added aitpllDe equipment.


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